The Emblematic program is unlike typical coaching and executive development. It is based on the premise that every major decision leaders make should be emblematic of the vision and values that guide them and their organization. Participants work with their coach both one on one and in a cohort of peer-to-peer learning to clarify that vision and values, and to identify the key decisions that will allow them to generate growth, impact, distinction and advantage. They will also master key concepts behind stakeholder engagement, ESG, DEI and CSR. And they will create personal and professional impact plans with clear objectives and strategies setting them up to succeed as leaders in purpose-driven organizations – as conscious, connected executives.

The Emblematic program is unlike typical coaching and executive development. It is based on the premise that every major decision leaders make should be emblematic of the vision and values that guide them and their organization. Participants work with their coach both one on one and in a cohort of peer-to-peer learning to clarify that vision and values, and to identify the key decisions that will allow them to generate growth, impact, distinction and advantage. They will also master key concepts behind stakeholder engagement, ESG, DEI and CSR. And they will create personal and professional impact plans with clear objectives and strategies setting them up to succeed as leaders in purpose-driven organizations – as conscious, connected executives.

The six-month program includes:

🗹 Two one-on-one coaching sessions with Andy each month
🗹 One facilitated peer-to-peer learning circle per month
🗹 Getting familiar with key stakeholder issues and concerns
🗹 Readings and course materials on ESG, CSR and DEI

Participants will leave with:

🗹 Personal and professional impact plans
🗹 Mastery of the key concepts in ESG, CSR and DEI
🗹 New relationships with diverse, dynamic peers
🗹 Confidence and competence 

The six-month program includes:

  • Two on-on-one coaching sessions with Andy each month
  • One facilitated peer-to-peer learning circle per month
  • Getting familiar with key stakeholder issues and concerns
  • Readings and course materials on ESG, CSR and DEI

Participants will leave with:

  • Personal and professional impact plans
  • Mastery of the key concepts in ESG, CSR and DEI
  • New relationships with diverse, dynamic peers
  • Confidence and competence 

Past Emblematic Participants Came From These Great Companies and Many More

What Our Coaching Clients are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is a good candidate for this program?

High potential executives who are emerging as organizational leaders in large companies or who are the leader or a principal already in small or midsize companies.

What knowledge, skills and other value will participants get from the program?
Participants are emerging leaders in a world that is making new demands on us that no school or training program has fully prepared us to handle.

Participants will gain fluency and confidence with the key concepts that make up a fluid world of “conscious” executive leadership including
Stakeholder engagement
Diversity/Equity/Inclusion (DEI)
Environmental/Social/Governance (ESG); and
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Participants will master the skill of analyzing business challenges as a conscious executive, adding new variables and factors to their definition of “the merits” and mastering the “why” behind doing things differently than it was done in the past.
Participants will build sincere relationships with peers who are also embracing their opportunity as emerging leaders and seeking to become conscious, connected executives.
What internal budget or priority would support sending executives to participate in this program?

Companies with leadership development, training and coaching budgets as well as DEI, ESG and CSR budgets have all found that the resources they allocate for these areas align well with this kind of opportunity.

Is there a particular industry focus or regional focus?

We do coaching with leaders all over the map. Participants for the next Emblematic cohort are all going to be New England based so that we can easily do in-person sessions and experiences. They will come from a wide range of industries and sectors.

What are the “personal and professional impact plans” that participants create?

All participants work with Andy to identify goals for personal and professional growth and then to articulate a vision of their own leadership and what it will take to develop it. An impact plan has specific goals and objectives as well as strategies for success, metrics and time-tables.